CPD Hours Level
Seminar 12 IntroductionInformation
Accreditation Information
SRA Competency B


This 2-day in-person seminar will provide an introduction and comprehensive update on the key issues currently impacting commercial landlords and tenants which aims to provide not only the general law but insight into points that commonly arise and guidance to assist in commercial landlord and tenant disputes.

What You Will Learn

This course will cover the following:

  • The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and Security of Tenure:
    • Unopposed lease renewals
    • Opposed lease renewals
    • Section 40 notices
    • Section 27 notices
  • Break Clauses - Pitfalls and Considerations:
    • Exercising a break clause
    • Compliance with the terms of the break clause
    • Effect of exercising the break clause
    • Interaction with the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
  • Rent Review
    • Types of rent review
    • Procedure for rent review
    • Assumptions and disregards
    • Pitfalls and points to consider
  • Non- Payment of Rent
    • Remedies: statutory demands, bankruptcy proceedings, Court proceedings and forfeiture proceedings
    • Impact of Insolvency
  • Liability of Former Tenants/Guarantors
    • Landlord and Tenants (Covenants) Act 1995
    • EMI Group Limited v O & H Limited
    • Victoria Street v House of Fraser
    • Section 17 notices
    • Enforcement of section 17 notices
    • Interaction with rent review
    • Indemnity or guarantee?
    • Overriding leases
  • Forfeiture:
    • Peaceable re-entry
    • Section 146 notices
    • Court proceedings
    • Waiver of the right to forfeit
    • Relief from forfeiture
    • Considerations pre and post forfeiture
  • Dilapidations:
    • Remedies
    • Assessment of damages for breach of repairing covenant
    • Dilapidations protocol
  • Consent to Assignment and Subletting:
    • Landlord and Tenant Act 1988
    • Duties imposed
    • Application for consent
    • When it is reasonable to withhold consent
    • Alienation protocol
  • Consent for Alterations:
    • Code for leasing business premises in England and Wales 2007
    • Landlord and Tenant Act 1927
    • When is it reasonable to refuse consent?
    • Section 3 of the LTA 1927
    • Right to compensation
    • Alterations protocol
  • MEES: Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in the Commercial Property Market:
    • The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015
    • Part 3 of the Regulations
    • Government guidance on non-domestic property
    • What counts as non-domestic property?
    • EPCs
    • Letting the property and renewals
  • Use Clauses:
    • Types of use clauses
    • Statutory restrictions on use
    • Competition Act 1998
    • Change of use - application; section 19 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927
    • Impact on rent
  • Commercial Service Charge Disputes:
    • Analysing the terms of the lease
    • Contractual machinery
    • Condition precedent
    • Reasonableness
    • ADR
    • Court proceedings

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Seminar | 14.04.2025

London | 9:30am - 5:15pm

An Introduction to Commercial Landlord & Tenant Law - In 2 Days

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9:30am - 5:15pm
Prices (ex VAT)
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Group bookings
Discounts are available for multiple places and if you have 5 or more people interested in this course and would like to discuss holding it in your area or on an in-house basis then please email us at group@mblseminars.com
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