CPD Hours Level
Learn Live 4.5 IntroductionInformation
SRA Competency A D
'Really great course and covered a lot in 4 hours.'


Where fraud, corruption or bribery is suspected, the ability to conduct effective internal investigations is a vital skill set that organisations need to ensure that they have.

This live broadcast session will equip you with the confidence and the knowledge needed to lead or contribute to an internal investigation. It will be based on the principles of the 3 R’s™ and will help attendees to strategically and successfully navigate the challenges of internal investigation and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome for the organisation.

The product and process of conducting an internal investigation may be subject to law enforcement and regulatory scrutiny so organisations need to get it right.

React, Respond and Remediate are the three stages of an internal investigation and this course will cover the essentials in each stage.

What Will You Learn

This live and interactive session will cover the following:


  • What should be your initial response to the discovery of an issue?
  • How do you determine whether an internal investigation needs to be conducted?
  • Establishing the scope of the investigation
  • How to draft an investigation plan
  • Managing internal resources and deciding on what third party assistance is needed to undertake the investigation


  • How to obtaining and handling data, devices and documents that are relevant to the investigation
  • Conducting a document and data analysis
  • Investigative interviewing skills


  • Drafting an investigation report with findings and recommendations
  • Supporting the remediation process
  • Disclosure to law enforcement or regulatory authorities

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

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Learn Live | 10.09.2025

N/A | 9:00am - 1:30pm

An Introduction to Corporate Internal Investigations

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9:00am - 1:30pm

Prices (ex VAT)
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Group bookings
Discounts are available for multiple places. If you have 5 or more people interested in participating in this virtual learning session please email us at group@mblseminars.com for more information.

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