Type Speaker CPD Hours Level
3 IntermediateInformation
SRA Competency B D


This box set includes 6 x 30 minute modules and is aimed at legal practitioners who are interested in understanding cryptoassets within family law both in the UK and beyond. It will go beyond how to just address cryptoassets within financial disclosure but also look at a broader understanding of the background of cryptoassets, how they have come to be treated in the Court arena, and what is anticipated to happen with cryptoassets within the legal system in the future.

This box set will provide you with a strong foundation in understanding a highly volatile but popular asset within the community, to better help you advise clients that are connected to cryptoassets.

Module 1: Definitions and History of Crypto

This module will consider how cryptoassets came to exist, a crucial foundation to understanding why cryptoassets are relevant to society today. The module will explore the terminology used within the cryptoasset community and enable you to speak about cryptoassets with more confidence.

This module will cover the following:

  • Phraseology around cryptoassets
  • Token names
  • Wallet terminology
  • Colloquial terms
  • Trading platform names

Module 2: Exploring Current Crypto Caselaw

This module will consider how case law has arisen in connection with cryptoassets and will help you to understand how the Courts are treating cryptoassets now.

This module will include the following:

  • COPA v Craig Wright
  • MtGox and FTX - The latest updates in the two biggest trading platform bankruptcies
  • The latest case law in crypto

Module 3: Disclosing Crypto

This module focuses on how to disclose cryptoassets and how to request disclosure of cryptoassets from the other party. This will help you understand the best way to approach cryptoassets when going through a financial disclosure process.

This module will include the following:

  • How to prepare a breakdown of cryptoassets
  • What information to provide
  • How to structure financial information into a digestible format for the receiving party
  • How to request cryptoasset disclosure from the other party

Module 4: Enforcing Orders on Crypto

This module looks at how to utilise the Court system to bring action against others in connection with cryptoassets. The areas covered will help you understand how you can take enforcement action against parties in connection with cryptoassets.

This module will cover the following:

  • Freezing Orders
  • Injunctions
  • Civil litigation
  • Bankruptcy proceedings

Module 5: How to Split Cryptoassets and How Different Countries Value Cryptoassets

This module explores how cryptoassets can be split in financial proceedings, and how they should be valued within proceedings. This module will explore the two different models of obtaining cryptoassets and how this can affect your client’s tax risks as well as their accessibility for dividing on divorce. The module will also consider how different countries value cryptoassets in divorce.

This module will include the following:

  • Proof of Stake vs Proof of Work
  • How to define division of cryptoassets
  • How to divide cryptoassets
  • Tax implications
  • How do countries value the assets

Module 6: Horizon Scanning

This module will look at what could happen to how cryptoassets are treated in the law in the future. This will help you have a grounding in what to expect in the future so that you are better prepared to manage cryptoassets moving forward.

This module will include the following:

  • What could happen moving forward
  • Government updates
  • Stablecoins
  • Smart Contracts
  • Local Blockchain technology

This webinar was recorded on 12th November 2024

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CryptoAssets in Family Law - The Essential Webinar Boxset

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