Type Speaker CPD Hours Level
1 IntermediateInformation
SRA Competency B


For many practitioners, the need to obtain and subsequently enforce an order for sale is a rare one, and unless you are a practitioner specialising in this area of law, it is unlikely to be something that you come across very often.

However, more and more creditors are now seeking to secure their debts by way of charging order, and that is simply because, in the current climate, many debtors are not cash rich.

Creditors are therefore securing their debts against assets or property, and then subsequently enforcing these charges to release their money.

Being able to obtain and subsequently enforce orders for sale is therefore a valuable skill for any lawyer working within the debt recovery field.

This webinar will explore the process in detail to ensure that you know how to navigate your way through.

It is suitable for practitioners who already have at least a basic understanding and knowledge of both the charging order and order for sale procedures.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • A detailed look at the order for sale document, as issued by the courts; its contents; and what this means when taking steps to enforce
  • Obtaining a warrant or writ of possession
  • Taking possession of a property and obtaining vacant possession
  • Practical considerations: vacant possession; bailiff and police involvement
  • CPR, legislation, and recent case law updates

This webinar was recorded on 1st November 2023

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Enforcement of Orders for Sale - Digging into the Detail

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