CPD Hours Level
Seminar 6 IntroductionInformation
SRA Competency C
Miss Waltho, Banks Sheridan


Often people are promoted into the role of team leader because of their technical competence, knowledge and expertise demonstrated in a previous role or simply the length of time in an organisation.

Being newly promoted to a team leader is one of the hardest roles to undertake. You may have pressure from senior leaders, clients as well as your own team members.

Whilst it is often assumed that the basic skills of leading a team can easily be picked up 'on the job' this is not always as simple as it seems.

This introductory level in-person course is aimed at those who may be considering applying for promotion to team leader or those new to the role. It will also appeal to existing team leaders who wish to brush up and refresh their skills.

What You Will Learn

This in-person course will cover the following:

  • A great tool that can be used to have effective performance management conversations
  • How to communicate and coach your people in a way that suits their communication style
  • What stops teams from becoming high performing and how to overcome these
  • How to manage yourself in those difficult and challenging moments
  • The importance of role-modelling and walking the talk
  • How to manage your time effectively and focus on the most important tasks
  • A coaching tool that is simple and easy to apply in everyday situations
  • How an environment of positive critique can have a massive impact on the performance of your team

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Seminar | 06.05.2025

London | 9:30am - 5:15pm

How to Succeed as a Team Leader - Tips & Tools

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9:30am - 5:15pm
Prices (ex VAT)
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Group bookings
Discounts are available for multiple places and if you have 5 or more people interested in this course and would like to discuss holding it in your area or on an in-house basis then please email us at group@mblseminars.com
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