Type Speaker CPD Hours Level
0.25 IntroductionInformation
SRA Competency D


Social networks offer a treasure trove of publicly available details on billions of individuals. This information is available for free and the individuals themselves may not even be aware of everything they are revealing.

Video conferencing tools have been a crucial lifeline for many hybrid and fully remote employees playing a vital role in keeping staff connected and productive. With the rise in popularity of video conferencing cyber criminals have started a series of new attacks targeting video conferencing technologies and their users.

This short e-learning programme will explore the key risks posed by social media and video conferencing technologies and will offer guidance on how to keep yourself safe when using them.

What You Will Learn

With interactive learning activities, knowledge checks and key reminder messages, the programme covers the following:

  • Risks and remedies for social networking and video conferencing within the business focusing on:
    • Risks associated with social media including over sharing of information
    • Fake accounts and connection requests - what to look out for
    • Risks and scams linked to video conferencing and how to spot them
    • How to safeguard you and your organisation when using social media and video conferencing technologies

You can take each section at your own pace, picking up where you left off and are able to see your progress throughout.

The programme concludes with an assessment. Your score will be recorded and 'super-user' reporting functionality for the organisation as a whole is available in the MBL learning platform.

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Social Media & Video Conferencing - Staying Safe Online

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Social Media & Video Conferencing - Staying Safe Online

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