CPD Hours Level
Learn Live 2 UpdateInformation
SRA Competency B


This virtual classroom session provides an in depth look at the advantages of pre-action disclosure, covering the application and development of CPR31.16 and its practical use in the pre-action phase, the use of the process to make offers on liability and/or quantum and the one stop shop to promote dispute resolution to include a cost/benefit analysis.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive course will cover the following:

  • The application of CPR 31.16 and its practical use in the pre-action phase
  • The development of CPR 31.16 and judicial encouragement to make full use of the process, its preservation (despite the many rule changes), and why it remains relevant
  • Eliciting information in documents to obviate the need to bring proceedings or to proceed to trial
  • The use of the process to make offers on liability and/or quantum and the costs protections afforded by doing so
  • The one stop shop to promote dispute resolution and the cost/benefit analysis
  • Preventing abuse of the process and disposing of fishing expeditions
  • Part 36 and its application to pre-action disclosure

Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.

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Learn Live | 18.12.2024

N/A | 2:30pm - 4:30pm

The Advantages of Pre-Action Disclosure - Live At Your Desk

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2:30pm - 4:30pm

Prices (ex VAT)
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Group bookings
Discounts are available for multiple places. If you have 5 or more people interested in participating in this virtual learning session please email us at group@mblseminars.com for more information.

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