Joanna Morris

Joanna Morris
Joanna works in AML & Compliance Product Development, having previously been the Risk and Regulatory Compliance Training Manager at a top 40 national law firm. With over 30 years' experience working in solicitors firms, she is also a qualified NVQ assessor and holds a Certificate In Education for Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. She was highly commended in June 2011 by the Legal Education and Training Group (LETG) in the category Best Programme for Lawyers for Solicitors Accounts Rules training. She was shortlisted in the Compliance Trainer of the Year category in the C5 Women in Compliance Awards in 2014.

Joanna's upcoming events

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SRA Continuing Competence for Law Firms - Demonstrating Compliance in Action - Learn Live

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An Accountant’s Guide to Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

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Firmwide Annual AML Compliance Training - Are You Up to Date? - Learn Live

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AML Firm Wide Risk Assessments - Getting Them Right - Webinar

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The Role, the Responsibilities & the Risks for MLROs - Your Live Guide to the 3 ‘R’s - Learn Live

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